#31 New Holland Pilgrim's Dole - iLike Beer Guest Post

Faithful readers, the following is a guest post from one of the preeminent blogs that urged me ever forward to becoming the Brewfus that you know today. This guest post comes from Tobias Mackenstein, the master of prose over at iLike Beer, the only blog I know with a theme song. I hope you enjoy as much as I do. You can find him over here: http://ilikebeeryesido.com/

-Hipster Brewfus

It comes with great pride that I extend my hand in friendship to Mr. Brewfus, a gentleman commonly known as Sir Jake Bagadonuts.  It comes with great regret that said hand is not extended contributing to the well-known sound of glasses contacting each other as this virtual ‘cheers’ is exactly that; virtual.  I believe the proper saying in this case would be ‘tis the thought which counts.

The highest form of flattery has been bestowed upon me; Sir Jake asked me to write a guest post for him.  A rational reason still escapes me as this author is certainly ill behooved to assert that it is I who is doing the favor.  With that said, I shall attempt not to linger upon formality. 

Background:  Whilst browsing the selection of special libations at the market I came upon this particular brew.  Admittedly, it was not this which I originally sought; I was searching for Goose Island’s Bourbon County as vehemently as an Antandroy does for lobster at low tide.  Historically the pilgrim’s [sic traitors] dole was just a needlessly fancy term for a ration.   It seems much as the name infers I walked away rationed with the only thing available (which was bourbon barrel aged); the Pilgrim’s Dole. 

Color:  An opulent yet slightly cloudy sinopia. 

Taste:  I was originally seeking a much different juice, a dark sweet nectar which flows through me much like blood.  I preface this as such because I walked away disappointed, as if I was given bland white bread when I was actually seeking sweet Portuguese rolls.  I must say that my underwhelment was subsided upon the first smell.  This is not Widmer Brothers with a shot of bourbon as I expected, but a delicious flavor library which was gifted to my mouth.  It is said that when one is starving, even rations are delicious.  I do not believe this was the case.

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